We place an emphasis on the development of solutions that truly move an audience to see, hear and feel from a brand new perspective. It’s about being able to capture a person’s attention, and then having something very relevant to say.
We care deeply about our clients and their success. It demands that we invest ourselves, get our hands dirty, and make things happen. You will never hear us complain. You are on the front line, so we are right there with you.
If being a misfit means placing (client) needs before our own, then we are not ashamed of it. But our firm and ways of doing business might not be for everyone.
According to our clients, our approach, thinking and follow through are refreshing and far different than other firms they have experienced in our industry. We think that’s a good thing.
True, not everyone would agree.
Like many marketing firms, we offer Brand Development, Strategic Planning, Media and Creative Services across a variety of marketing disciplines. But honestly, that’s where the similarities end.
The term “Advertising Agency” is a dirty word. (OK, two dirty words.) Like “Used Car Salesman”, it has certain undesirable baggage attached to it. An advertising agency attempts to solve marketing problems with advertising. Building a strong brand often becomes an exercise in spending millions of dollars in traditional media to make it stick.
For the record, we firmly believe in advertising (traditional and otherwise), but only when it is the most effective solution to a given marketing problem. And certainly only when the brand is rock solid, strategic and meaningful to your audiences.
Before we do anything, we take a very conscious, strategic step backward in an effort to define (or refine) a brand, what it should say and how it should be said. This approach is not a luxury or a touchy-feely exercise. It is an extremely powerful tool in message accuracy and long-term effectiveness. Once strong brand guidelines are clearly established, we execute unique creative solutions across every traditional and emerging marketing platform.
Our crew of misfits is a unique collection of senior advertising executives who, after working with some of the biggest brands and agencies in the business, simply decided there had to be a better way. What started simply as a belief that there was something missing in our industry has quickly grown into a collection of experienced advertising, creative, branding and marketing experts who have finally found their home.
Being a misfit isn’t always easy. It means living what we say we believe; putting our clients’ needs ahead of our own, every time. It means becoming our clients’ biggest brand advocates – living their brands and investing in them professionally and personally. It means complete transparency with our clients, without exception. It means having the courage to consistently push clients beyond what they expect in order to deliver what they really need.
If this is music to your ears, then maybe you’re a misfit too. And on this strange island, you are always welcome.
Work with us or work for us. Both are great.
If you’ve come this far, you owe it to yourself to take one more little step and start a conversation.
We are here.
1631 Alhambra Blvd. Suite 120, Sacramento CA 95816